Fabio Araujo's
Kink Links

This home page has links to some topics, such as a book written by me, published only in Portuguese, the shareware "The Prophecies of Nostradamus" (which has a reasonable part of the book in the registered version) a CD-ROM, a free screen-saver, links, etc.

Esta home-page possui links para alguns assuntos, como o livro chamado "O Futuro do Mundo", baseado em profecias de diversos profetas, o shareware "Profecias de Nostradamus", um CD-ROM, chamado ARDA, etc.

Shareware - The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Book - The Future of the World

English and Other Languages Translations


These pages are constantly being changed...
Estas páginas estão constantemente sendo alteradas.

3 visits since 3495 B.C.. You're welcome!

E-mail: fabio-araujo@usa.net

Clique em mim se quiser enviar-me e-mail.